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Last post I talked about the benefits of Water Beads.
This time I thought we could discuss the "grittiness" of sand.
I personally enjoy playing in sand at the beach, coloring sand, creating multi-colored sand jars, colored sand on letters of a child's name as an Art project. As a Pre-k Teacher for Head Star for a number of years, I had the old-fashioned sand table. we would have dried sand,later add water, later tools; allowing time and space for the children to experience/ explore the difference. Its also a wonderful exfoliation naturally!
As I was employed by Lake Shore Learning Supply in Houston; I was introduced to Magnetic Sand. The best thing ever! Various colors. It sort of falls through your fingers; not quite like sand, not quite as gritty. I've noted that some who may have texture issues with sand are more likely to enjoy the smoother texture of Magnetic sand. Both have sensory benefits. Magnetic Sand has an element that regular gritty sand doesn't have. Take a hand full just squeeze it......awwww it's great for relieving stressful moments in an education supply store; providing customer service to both parents and educators. This substance also provides extended periods of time wherein the young child gets sensorial information that assist in their ability to focus. This Sensorial experience has provided yet another opportunity for children with sensory, focusing, or attention-deficit challenges to settle their bodies. Oftentimes they are having so much fun that they are not aware of how its assisting them in the completion of other classroom task.
Please create an account to provide feedback or additional ideas or even activities that may also provide stimuli to create opportunities that support increased attention span in young children and our community of familes looking for creative ways to engage children with varying exceptionalities of development.
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